Online Performance from Beste Kalender, available on Tuesday, March 24th starting 8:30pm.
Beste Kalender, Mezzo soprano
Rachel Andrist, Pianist
Ryan Harper Recordings
Tuesday March 24th 8:30pm
Beste is uniting forces with pianist Rachel Andrist and Ryan Harper Recordings ( for this special event.
“We will be taking you to a “virtual” journey from beautiful Venice, where you can hear the captivating sounds of the canals and lend an ear to some passionate love stories. Then, we will follow the sweet breeze of the Mediterranean and sail to Anatolia/Turkey where you can hear some enchanting middle Eastern tunes set on folk tales of the people (Armenian, Persian, Azerbaijani, Greek and Turkish) who called Turkey/ Anatolia home for centuries. Hope you join us!”
The recital program will include works by F. Santoliquido, R. Hahn, G. Faure, H. Berlioz, Komitas and various Turkish composers.
The program will be available on YouTube at 8:30pm Toronto time